Happy New Year!

Nikki Saveker News

Here’s to a hopeful, happy and more normal new year. We’re looking forward to seeing you again – on Zoom – from Monday 11 January.

This time last year, none of us could have imagined the scale of the disruption we’d have faced during 2020. By the time we were halfway through March, everyone’s lives had changed drastically.

There have been so many changes over the last 12 months. We’ve been lucky enough to have been able to stay in touch and offer digital challenges, with our “camp at home”, various badges to complete through OSM, and the Hike to the Moon activities, and we’re grateful to all of you that took part.

The last few months have seen rapid changes, and I’m so proud of the team at 9th Warwick for being able to adapt quickly and provide our programme online at such short notice. Once again, we’re all being asked to do our part and stay at home as we move to Tier 4, which means we’ll be back to Zoom for a few weeks.

The ways you have all helped support the group during these strange times have been inspirational. We can’t wait to get things back to something that resembles normal over the coming year and, with the good news of various vaccines now being approved for use in the UK, I’m hopeful that the Tier 4 restrictions will only be in place until early February.

In the meantime, we hope you’ve all enjoyed the festivities, and had a wonderful Christmas. While we can’t return to our face-to-face programme, we are still looking forward to seeing you all again on Zoom.

Have a wonderful break, and we’ll see you on Monday 11 January for our Scout troop, Tuesday 12 January for our Beaver colony and Wednesday 13 January for our Cub pack.