What’s the Census, and why is it so important?

Nikki Saveker GSL's Blog

Each year, The Scouts undertakes a survey of the whole membership, to better understand its members and their needs and, this year, we’ll be doing it twice.

Each January, every Scout group takes part in the annual Census. It’s a way for Scouts to better understand the makeup of the Groups, Districts and Counties that make up our membership and helps us all to find new ways in which we can help each Scout learn the skills that will help them in life and, ultimately, to reach their full potential.

Like many other groups, we use Online Scout Manager to collect the information required for the Census, which makes collating the anonymised data for the report as simple as a few taps and a few clicks. This year, it’ll also make it easier for us to submit data from the Census return, securely and anonymously, straight from within Online Scout Manager.

This year, we’ll be taking part in a census at the end of January, and one later in the year in Autumn. And, of course, the Scout Census isn’t the only one we’ll be taking part in. On Sunday 21 March, we’ll all be counted as part of the National Census, which takes place every 10 years and gives us a snapshot of what the people and households of England and Wales look like.

Why do Scouts undertake a census?

Like the National Census, our census helps us understand who we are. Over the years, you’ll have received surveys from 9th Warwick asking you all sorts of questions, ranging from the kinds of skills you have, to whether you’d be interested in volunteering. It’s an important way for us to better understand our own membership and what we can do to make Scouting better for our members.

At a national scale, however, it’s much more than that. The national census helps The Scouts make sure that they’re meeting the goals they’ve set for themselves and helps to make sure that they have the right type of insurance and resources available for all our needs.

Understanding how our membership is made up also helps us understand how we can involve more people at every level. Our organisation is built on a foundation of equal opportunities – Scouting for All – and by taking a snapshot of our membership, we can see whether we’re reaching that goal.

Taking part in the Census means that, like other groups, we’re better informed about the nature and makeup of our membership. It helps us all to remove any barriers – real or perceived – to participation, helping us to make sure we reach more give-it-a-goers, teach more young people skills for life, and ensure that our Scout Group is as diverse as the amazing community in which we live.

Help us to make sure we’re up to date

If you’ve already used the Parent Portal to update your census information, there’s nothing you need to do, as we store it securely and anonymously for use whenever the need arises.

If not, please be on the look-out for an email from us which will be titled “Scout Census Information”. Follow the link, answer a few questions, and that’s it, you’re all done.